Новий шоурум холодильників Hitachi

Home News Новий шоурум холодильників Hitachi

У місті Києві відкрито новий шоурум холодильників Hitachi, який розташовано за адресою вул. Марка Вовчка, 18а.

Це чудова можливість наживо побачити й оцінити асортимент, різноманітність колірних рішень і вибрати модель, що бездоганно пасуватиме чи не до будь-якого дизайну кухні. І на додачу: ERC успішно забезпечує сервісне обслуговування по всій Україні вже 10 років. 

Преміальний продукт – преміальний сервіс.

Чому саме Hitachi?

  • Японський бренд, славетний унікальним дизайном та якістю власної продукції. Пристрої Hitachi зібрано на фірмовому заводі в Таїланді.
  • Тривала гарантія. 3 роки на пристрій і 10 років на компресор: холодильники оснащено ексклюзивними інверторними компресорами Hitachi, стійкими до коливання напруги в межах 130-300 В.
  • Широкий модельний ряд і багатство колірних рішень; матеріал дверцят – метал або скло, тож пристрої гармонійно доповнять кухонне середовище будь-якого стилю.
  • Інноваційні технології для підвищення функціональності пристроїв:

Два вентилятори для запобігання змішуванню запахів

Inverter x Dual Fan Cooling – рішення Hitachi для потужного охолодження та енергозбереження.

Окремі вентилятори для кожного з відділень. Удосконалена система охолодження з двома окремими вентиляторами забезпечує потужне охолодження в морозильній і холодильній камерах, а завдяки датчикам Eco Thermo-Sensor у кожному відділенні фіксуються будь-які зміни температури.

Інверторний компресор високої потужності. Інверторний процесор – ще одна перевага. Потужне охолодження гарантовано завдяки створенню великого об’єму охолодженого повітря, тоді як ефективним малопотужним охолодженням керує мікрокомп’ютер.

Відділення для овочів із повітряною обробкою

Платиновий каталізатор підтримує високу концентрацію вуглекислого газу у відділенні для овочів, тож продукти зберігатимуться свіжими ще довше. Овочі продовжують «дихати» після того, як їх зібрано, але зниження температури довкілля й підвищення концентрації вуглекислого газу уповільнює це «дихання».

Оптимальні умови зберігання дають змогу овочам залишатися свіжими:

  • Платиновий каталізатор для вироблення CО2. Платиновий каталізатор руйнує газоподібний етилен і компоненти запаху для створення ще більшої кількості вуглекислого газу.
  • Герметична конструкція для утримання CО2Герметична конструкція підтримує вищу концентрацію вуглекислого газу у відділенні, ніж у повітрі. Як наслідок, овочі втрачають менше поживних речовин і води, у такий спосіб зберігаючи свою свіжість.
  • Регулятор вологості: підтримання високої вологості без надмірного обсягу конденсату. Надмірна вологість усередині відділення для овочів «збирається» на алюмінієвій панелі, а лист контролю вологості поглинає конденсат.

Відділення в холодильній камері з регулюванням температури

Регулятор температури дає змогу вибрати один із двох доступних режимів охолодження (зона 0 °C або додатковий відділ для овочів).

Режим для зберігання овочів:

  • для зберігання фруктів та овочів, що швидко псуються;
  • можливість розміщення продуктів за розміром.

Режим для молочних/м’ясних продуктів:

  • підтримання свіжості м’яса та риби;
  • розморожування заморожених продуктів;
  • швидке охолодження напоїв.

Унікальна розробка – фільтр Nano Titanium

Фільтр Nano Titanium – знищує до 99 % бактерій, плісняви, алергенів і сторонніх запахів. Це найбільш передова технологія, що використовує каталізатор TiO2 для забезпечення потужного антибактеріального, протипліснявого та дезодоруючого ефектів.

Eco Thermo-Sensors: контроль температури в кожному відділенні

Холодильники Hitachi мають два датчики Eco Thermo-Sensors: один вбудовано в морозильній камері, а інший – у холодильній. Датчики виявляють будь-які зміни температури для підтримання стабільного температурного режиму в кожному з відділів.

Вакуумне відділення для підтримання свіжості продуктів

Секрет тривалої свіжості – зниження рівня кисню. Оригінальна система Hitachi для збереження вакууму підтримує у відділенні тиск на рівні приблизно 0,8 атм. М’ясо, риба й молочні продукти довше залишаються свіжими, зберігаючи при цьому поживні властивості, і придатні до приготування без розмороження.

Збереження поживності продуктів. Усе заради здоров’я: вакуумне середовище запобігає окисленню та сприяє збереженню поживних речовин у продуктах.

Герметичний вакуум. Інновація Hitachi у найкращому виконанні: вакуумний насос відкачує повітря та знижує вміст кисню до ~0,8 атм.
Збереження свіжості. Збереження свіжості, оригінального смаку та текстури продуктів без заморожування та зі зволоженням (за потреби) без обгортання.

Відділення в морозильній камері з налаштуванням режимів охолодження

Функція вибору зони дає змогу налаштовувати параметри режиму зберігання відповідно до потреб користувача.

Морозиво та заморожені продукти

Потрібно відокремити заморожену солону їжу від морозива та льоду? Це можливо завдяки додатковій опції зберігання в морозильній камері.

М’ясо та риба

«Легке заморожування» (Soft Freeze) згодиться для зберігання м’яса та риби свіжими, до того ж продукти придатні до приготування в будь-яку мить – жодної потреби в розморожуванні.

Молочні продукти та м’ясо

Оптимальним для зберігання молочних продуктів, м’яса тощо є режим «Охолодження/М’ясо» (за температури 1 °C).

Напої та їжа

Бракує місця для напоїв та їжі? У морозильній камері можна створити додаткову зону для зберігання продуктів, як у холодильнику, за температури 3 °C.

Автоматичний льодогенератор

Якщо залити воду в спеціальне відділення (2 л) у холодильній камері, уже через деякий час будуть готові кубики льоду, що збираються й зберігаються в кошику в морозильній камері.

Нове постачання холодильників Hitachi вже доступне до замовлення в ERC.

Products from publication
79999 UAH*
in stock
The Hitachi R-WB720VUC0GMG is a bottom freezer refrigerator that combines advanced cooling technologies with a sleek grey (glass) exterior. With its spacious storage capacity and innovative features, it offers efficient cooling and convenient storage solutions for your kitchen. Equipped with an inverter compressor, the refrigerator adjusts its cooling power based on internal temperature fluctuations, resulting in energy savings and precise temperature control. The refrigerator features vacuum insulation panels that help improve energy efficiency and maintain a consistent internal temperature. The built-in ice maker provides a convenient and continuous supply of ice cubes for your beverages. The Hitachi R-WB720VUC0GMG is a bottom freezer refrigerator that offers generous storage capacity, efficient cooling, and innovative features. With its four-door configuration, inverter technology, fresh zone compartment, vacuum insulation panels, ice maker, and grey glass finish, it provides convenient storage and adds a sophisticated element to your kitchen space.
79999 UAH*
in stock
The Hitachi R-WB720VUC0GBK is a bottom freezer refrigerator that combines advanced cooling technologies with a sleek black (glass) exterior. With its spacious storage capacity and innovative features, it offers efficient cooling and convenient storage solutions for your kitchen. The refrigerator features a four-door design, providing separate compartments for the refrigerator and freezer sections, as well as additional storage options. The refrigerator features vacuum insulation panels that help improve energy efficiency and maintain a consistent internal temperature. The Hitachi R-WB720VUC0GBK is a bottom freezer refrigerator that offers generous storage capacity, efficient cooling, and innovative features. With its four-door configuration, inverter technology, fresh zone compartment, vacuum insulation panels, ice maker, and black glass finish, it provides convenient storage and adds a sophisticated element to your kitchen space.
46999 UAH*
in stock
The Hitachi R-W660PUC7GBE is a top freezer refrigerator that combines style and functionality to provide optimal cooling and storage solutions for your kitchen. With its beige glass exterior, it adds a touch of sophistication to any kitchen decor while offering advanced features. Equipped with an inverter compressor, the refrigerator adjusts its cooling power according to internal temperature variations, resulting in energy savings and precise temperature control. The fresh zone compartment is designed to maintain optimal humidity levels, extending the freshness of fruits, vegetables, and other perishable items. The refrigerator is equipped with a dispenser, providing convenient access to chilled water or ice cubes without the need to open the doors. The refrigerator's beige glass finish exudes elegance and adds a warm and luxurious touch to your kitchen decor. The Hitachi R-W660PUC7GBE is a stylish and efficient refrigerator that offers ample storage capacity, advanced cooling technologies, and convenient features. With its four-door design, inverter technology, fresh zone compartment, and dispenser, it is designed to enhance your food storage experience while seamlessly blending with your kitchen aesthetics.
out of stock
The Hitachi R-V610PUC7PWH is a top freezer refrigerator that combines advanced cooling technologies with a sleek white exterior. With its generous storage capacity and innovative features, it offers efficient cooling and convenient storage solutions for your kitchen. The fresh zone compartment is designed to maintain optimal humidity levels, extending the freshness of fruits, vegetables, and other perishable items. The refrigerator's sleek white exterior adds a clean and modern look to your kitchen decor. The Hitachi R-V610PUC7PWH is a top freezer refrigerator that offers ample storage capacity, exceptional energy efficiency, and convenient features. With its two-door configuration, inverter technology, fresh zone compartment, and white finish, it provides efficient cooling and adds a stylish element to your kitchen space.
out of stock
The Hitachi R-WB710PUC9GBK is a bottom freezer refrigerator that combines advanced cooling technologies with a sleek black (glass) exterior. With its spacious storage capacity and innovative features, it offers efficient cooling and convenient storage solutions for your kitchen. Equipped with an inverter compressor, the refrigerator adjusts its cooling power based on internal temperature fluctuations, resulting in energy savings and precise temperature control. Black (Glass) Finish: The refrigerator's sleek black exterior adds a modern and stylish touch to your kitchen decor. The Hitachi R-WB710PUC9GBK is a bottom freezer refrigerator that offers generous storage capacity, efficient cooling, and innovative features. With its three-door configuration, inverter technology, and black glass finish, it provides convenient storage and adds a sophisticated element to your kitchen space.
46999 UAH*
The Hitachi R-W660PUC7GPW is a top-of-the-line refrigerator that combines advanced cooling technologies with a sleek white glass exterior. Designed for optimal performance and efficiency, it offers a range of features to enhance your food storage experience. The fresh zone compartment is specifically designed to maintain optimum humidity levels, extending the freshness of fruits, vegetables, and other perishable items. The refrigerator features a dispenser, allowing you to conveniently access chilled water or ice cubes without the need to open the doors. The refrigerator's sleek white glass finish adds a touch of elegance and modernity to your kitchen decor. The Hitachi R-W660PUC7GPW is a top freezer refrigerator that offers generous storage capacity, energy efficiency, and advanced cooling features. Its four-door design, inverter technology, fresh zone compartment, and dispenser make it a practical and stylish choice for any modern kitchen.
46999 UAH*
The Hitachi R-W660PUC7GBK is a high-quality refrigerator designed to provide efficient cooling and storage solutions for your kitchen. With its sleek black glass exterior, it adds a touch of elegance to any modern kitchen decor. The refrigerator is equipped with a dispenser, allowing you to conveniently access chilled water or ice cubes without opening the doors. The refrigerator's exterior features a stylish black glass finish, adding a touch of sophistication to your kitchen. The Hitachi R-W660PUC7GBK is a reliable and feature-packed refrigerator that offers ample storage space, energy efficiency, and advanced cooling technologies. Its sleek design and modern features make it a perfect addition to any contemporary kitchen.
35999 UAH*
The Hitachi R-VG660PUC7-1GPW is a top freezer refrigerator that combines cutting-edge technology with a sleek white glass exterior. It is designed to provide efficient cooling and storage solutions for your kitchen while offering advanced features for enhanced convenience. Equipped with an inverter compressor, the refrigerator adjusts its cooling power based on internal temperature fluctuations, resulting in energy savings and precise temperature control. The fresh zone compartment is designed to maintain optimal humidity levels, extending the freshness of fruits, vegetables, and other perishable items. The refrigerator's sleek white glass finish adds a touch of elegance and modernity to your kitchen decor.
37999 UAH*
The Hitachi R-VG660PUC7-1GBK is a top freezer refrigerator that combines advanced cooling technologies with a sleek black glass exterior. Designed for optimal performance and style, it offers ample storage capacity and convenient features to enhance your kitchen experience. Equipped with an inverter compressor, the refrigerator adjusts its cooling power based on internal temperature fluctuations, resulting in energy savings and precise temperature control. The fresh zone compartment is designed to maintain optimal humidity levels, prolonging the freshness of fruits, vegetables, and other perishable items. The refrigerator's sleek black glass finish adds a touch of sophistication and modernity to your kitchen decor. The Hitachi R-VG660PUC7-1GBK is a top freezer refrigerator that offers generous storage capacity, exceptional energy efficiency, and stylish design. Its two-door configuration, inverter technology, fresh zone compartment, and black glass finish make it a functional and aesthetically pleasing addition to any contemporary kitchen.
out of stock
The Hitachi R-VG610PUC7GPW is a top freezer refrigerator that combines innovative features with a sleek white glass exterior. With its impressive storage capacity and advanced cooling technologies, it offers efficient and convenient solutions for your kitchen. The fresh zone compartment is designed to maintain optimal humidity levels, extending the freshness of fruits, vegetables, and other perishable items. The refrigerator's sleek white glass finish adds a touch of elegance and seamlessly blends with any kitchen decor. The Hitachi R-VG610PUC7GPW is a top freezer refrigerator that offers generous storage capacity, exceptional energy efficiency, and convenient features. With its two-door configuration, inverter technology, fresh zone compartment, and white glass finish, it provides efficient cooling and adds a stylish element to your kitchen space.
31999 UAH*
The Hitachi R-V660PUC7-1PWH is a top freezer refrigerator that combines advanced cooling technologies with a sleek white exterior. With its generous storage capacity and innovative features, it offers efficient cooling and convenient storage solutions for your kitchen. Equipped with an inverter compressor, the refrigerator adjusts its cooling power based on internal temperature fluctuations, resulting in energy savings and precise temperature control. The fresh zone compartment is designed to maintain optimal humidity levels, extending the freshness of fruits, vegetables, and other perishable items. The refrigerator's sleek white exterior adds a clean and modern look to your kitchen decor. The Hitachi R-V660PUC7-1PWH is a top freezer refrigerator that offers ample storage capacity, exceptional energy efficiency, and convenient features. With its two-door configuration, inverter technology, fresh zone compartment, and white finish, it provides efficient cooling and adds a stylish element to your kitchen space.
A++ ...
out of stock
The Hitachi R-V660PUC7-1BSL is a top freezer refrigerator that offers efficient cooling and ample storage capacity. With its sleek inox (stainless steel) exterior and advanced features, it combines functionality and style to enhance your kitchen experience. Equipped with an inverter compressor, the refrigerator adjusts its cooling power based on internal temperature fluctuations, resulting in energy savings and precise temperature control. The fresh zone compartment is designed to maintain optimal humidity levels, extending the freshness of fruits, vegetables, and other perishable items. The Hitachi R-V660PUC7-1BSL is a top freezer refrigerator that offers generous storage capacity, exceptional energy efficiency, and convenient features. With its two-door configuration, inverter technology, fresh zone compartment, and inox finish, it provides efficient cooling and adds a modern and sophisticated look to your kitchen space.
35999 UAH*
The Hitachi R-V660PUC7-1BEG is a top freezer refrigerator that combines advanced cooling technologies with a sleek white exterior. With its generous storage capacity and innovative features, it offers efficient cooling and convenient storage solutions for your kitchen. Equipped with an inverter compressor, the refrigerator adjusts its cooling power based on internal temperature fluctuations, resulting in energy savings and precise temperature control. The fresh zone compartment is designed to maintain optimal humidity levels, extending the freshness of fruits, vegetables, and other perishable items. The refrigerator's sleek white exterior adds a clean and modern look to your kitchen decor. The Hitachi R-V660PUC7-1BEG is a top freezer refrigerator that offers ample storage capacity, exceptional energy efficiency, and convenient features. With its two-door configuration, inverter technology, fresh zone compartment, and white finish, it provides efficient cooling and adds a stylish element to your kitchen space.
A++ ...
out of stock
The Hitachi R-V660PUC7-1BBK is a top freezer refrigerator that combines advanced cooling technologies with a sleek black exterior. With its generous storage capacity and innovative features, it offers efficient cooling and convenient storage solutions for your kitchen. Equipped with an inverter compressor, the refrigerator adjusts its cooling power based on internal temperature fluctuations, resulting in energy savings and precise temperature control. The fresh zone compartment is designed to maintain optimal humidity levels, extending the freshness of fruits, vegetables, and other perishable items. The Hitachi R-V660PUC7-1BBK is a top freezer refrigerator that offers ample storage capacity, exceptional energy efficiency, and convenient features. With its two-door configuration, inverter technology, fresh zone compartment, and black finish, it provides efficient cooling and adds a stylish element to your kitchen space.
22599 UAH*
The Hitachi R-B410PUC6BSL is a bottom freezer refrigerator that combines efficient cooling performance with a sleek inox (stainless steel) exterior. With its spacious storage capacity and advanced features, it offers convenient storage solutions for your kitchen. The Hitachi R-B410PUC6BSL is a bottom freezer refrigerator that combines efficient cooling performance with a sleek inox (stainless steel) exterior. With its spacious storage capacity and advanced features, it offers convenient storage solutions for your kitchen. The sleek inox exterior adds a touch of elegance and modernity to your kitchen decor. The Hitachi R-B410PUC6BSL bottom freezer refrigerator offers a generous storage capacity, efficient cooling, and stylish design. With its two-door configuration, inverter technology, noise-free operation, and sleek inox finish, it provides convenient storage options while enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your kitchen.
22599 UAH*
The Hitachi R-B410PUC6PSV is a bottom freezer refrigerator that combines efficient cooling performance with a sleek silver exterior. With its spacious storage capacity and advanced features, it offers convenient storage solutions for your kitchen. The sleek silver exterior adds a touch of sophistication and modernity to your kitchen decor. The Hitachi R-B410PUC6PSV bottom freezer refrigerator offers a generous storage capacity, efficient cooling, and stylish design. With its two-door configuration, inverter technology, noise-free operation, and sleek silver finish, it provides convenient storage options while enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your kitchen.
out of stock
The Hitachi R-V540PUC7PWH is a top freezer refrigerator that combines advanced cooling technologies with a sleek white exterior. With its generous storage capacity and innovative features, it offers efficient cooling and convenient storage solutions for your kitchen. Equipped with an inverter compressor, the refrigerator adjusts its cooling power based on internal temperature fluctuations, resulting in energy savings and precise temperature control. Equipped with an inverter compressor, the refrigerator adjusts its cooling power based on internal temperature fluctuations, resulting in energy savings and precise temperature control. The Hitachi R-V540PUC7PWH is a top freezer refrigerator that offers ample storage capacity, exceptional energy efficiency, and convenient features. With its two-door configuration, inverter technology, fresh zone compartment, and white finish, it provides efficient cooling and adds a stylish element to your kitchen space.
out of stock
The Hitachi R-V540PUC7BSL is a top freezer refrigerator that combines advanced cooling technologies with a sleek inox (stainless steel) exterior. With its generous storage capacity and innovative features, it offers efficient cooling and convenient storage solutions for your kitchen. Equipped with an inverter compressor, the refrigerator adjusts its cooling power based on internal temperature fluctuations, resulting in energy savings and precise temperature control. Inox (Stainless Steel) Finish: The refrigerator's sleek inox exterior adds a touch of elegance and durability to your kitchen decor. The Hitachi R-V540PUC7BSL is a top freezer refrigerator that offers ample storage capacity, exceptional energy efficiency, and convenient features. With its two-door configuration, inverter technology, fresh zone compartment, and inox finish, it provides efficient cooling and adds a modern and sophisticated look to your kitchen space.
out of stock
The Hitachi R-V540PUC7BEG is a top freezer refrigerator that combines advanced cooling technologies with a sleek beige exterior. With its generous storage capacity and innovative features, it offers efficient cooling and convenient storage solutions for your kitchen. The Hitachi R-V540PUC7BEG is a top freezer refrigerator that combines advanced cooling technologies with a sleek beige exterior. With its generous storage capacity and innovative features, it offers efficient cooling and convenient storage solutions for your kitchen. The fresh zone compartment is designed to maintain optimal humidity levels, extending the freshness of fruits, vegetables, and other perishable items. The Hitachi R-V540PUC7BEG is a top freezer refrigerator that offers ample storage capacity, exceptional energy efficiency, and convenient features. With its two-door configuration, inverter technology, fresh zone compartment, and beige finish, it provides efficient cooling and adds a stylish and cozy element to your kitchen space.
54999 UAH*
The refrigerator has an impressive volume of 605 liters. In this model, the refrigerator compartment is located parallel to the freezer compartment. The environmentally friendly R-600a is used as a refrigerant. The front surface is made of high-strength black glass. There is a closed door indicator on the door.
21999 UAH*
The Hitachi R-V540PUC7PWH is a top freezer refrigerator that combines advanced cooling technologies with a sleek white exterior. With its generous storage capacity and innovative features, it offers efficient cooling and convenient storage solutions for your kitchen. The fresh zone compartment is designed to maintain optimal humidity levels, extending the freshness of fruits, vegetables, and other perishable items. The refrigerator's sleek white exterior adds a clean and modern look to your kitchen decor. The Hitachi R-V540PUC7PWH is a top freezer refrigerator that offers ample storage capacity, exceptional energy efficiency, and convenient features. With its two-door configuration, inverter technology, fresh zone compartment, and white finish, it provides efficient cooling and adds a stylish element to your kitchen space.
21999 UAH*
The Hitachi R-H330PUC7BSL is a top freezer refrigerator that combines efficient cooling technologies with a sleek inox (stainless steel) exterior. With its compact size and innovative features, it offers convenient storage solutions for smaller kitchens or limited spaces. The Hitachi R-H330PUC7BSL is a top freezer refrigerator that combines efficient cooling technologies with a sleek inox (stainless steel) exterior. With its compact size and innovative features, it offers convenient storage solutions for smaller kitchens or limited spaces. The refrigerator's sleek inox exterior adds a touch of elegance and durability to your kitchen decor. The Hitachi R-H330PUC7BSL is a compact top freezer refrigerator that offers efficient cooling and convenient storage options. With its two-door configuration, energy-efficient performance, inverter technology, and inox finish, it provides reliable cooling in a stylish and space-saving design.
21999 UAH*
The Hitachi R-H330PUC7BBK is a top freezer refrigerator that combines efficient cooling capabilities with a sleek black exterior. With its compact size and innovative features, it offers convenient storage solutions for smaller kitchens or limited spaces. Equipped with an inverter compressor, the refrigerator adjusts its cooling power based on internal temperature fluctuations, resulting in energy savings and precise temperature control. The refrigerator's sleek black exterior adds a touch of sophistication to your kitchen decor. The Hitachi R-H330PUC7BBK is a compact top freezer refrigerator that offers efficient cooling and convenient storage options. With its two-door configuration, energy-efficient performance, inverter technology, and black finish, it provides reliable cooling in a stylish and space-saving design.
27999 UAH*
The Hitachi R-BG410PUC6XXGR is a bottom freezer refrigerator that combines advanced cooling technologies with a stylish gradation gray (glass) exterior. With its spacious storage capacity and innovative features, it offers efficient cooling and convenient storage solutions for your kitchen. Equipped with an inverter compressor, the refrigerator adjusts its cooling power based on internal temperature fluctuations, resulting in energy savings and precise temperature control. The refrigerator's stylish gradation gray exterior adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to your kitchen decor. The Hitachi R-BG410PUC6XXGR is a bottom freezer refrigerator that offers generous storage capacity, efficient cooling, and innovative features. With its two-door configuration, inverter technology, fresh zone compartment, and gradation gray glass finish, it provides convenient storage and adds a stylish element to your kitchen space.
27999 UAH*
The Hitachi R-BG410PUC6XGPW is a bottom freezer refrigerator that combines advanced cooling technologies with a sleek white (glass) exterior. With its spacious storage capacity and innovative features, it offers efficient cooling and convenient storage solutions for your kitchen. Equipped with an inverter compressor, the refrigerator adjusts its cooling power based on internal temperature fluctuations, resulting in energy savings and precise temperature control. The refrigerator's sleek white exterior adds a clean and modern touch to your kitchen decor. The Hitachi R-BG410PUC6XGPW is a bottom freezer refrigerator that offers generous storage capacity, efficient cooling, and innovative features. With its two-door configuration, inverter technology, fresh zone compartment, and white glass finish, it provides convenient storage and adds a stylish element to your kitchen space.
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